If you choose to ignore this advice, you are on your own - ask PayPal - they get paid to answer your questions. I don't mean to be rude, but the info is provided for a good reason - so you can help yourself.
If you have problems and do not have full access to the PayPal account profile, DO NOT contact us!
Treasury requires IPN settings in your PayPal account "Profile".
• Set 'IPN' to 'On' in "Instant Payment Notification Preferences".
• This will also require a URL to be entered - anything will do, but not blank.
The URL you set here is NOT important as Treasury operates from its own Notify and Return URLs which ignore, and are independent of, your PayPal settings.
• Why? If you already have an IPN setting activated for some other program, it will continue to function for that program.
• Example? If you have already set your IPN URL so that you can use, say Storez, then you can leave the URL on PayPal as it is, and still use Treasury.
You should also modify "Payment Receiving Preferences" in your "Profile" area.
• Check your option for "Block payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold:".
• You should set this to the second option "No, accept them and convert them...". Failure to do this means you will have to manually confirm each payment within your PayPal account and the donation will NOT show on your site.
Treasury settings in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Auto Return' to 'On', repeat 'On', in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Payment Data Transfer' to 'Off' in "Website Payment Preferences".
Settings in "Currency Balances".
These shouldn't need changing - PayPal default is fine - a primary currency which is Open and all other currencies Closed.
If you do not have special reasons for operating with multiple open currencies, DO NOT fiddle!
If you do have special reasons, you will not receive exchange rate and settle amounts from PayPal for non-primary currencies which you have Open.
You WILL have to manually edit all Treasury transactions for currencies you receive that are not your Primary Currency!