Storez requires IPN settings in your PayPal account "Profile".
• Set 'IPN' to 'On' in "Instant Payment Notification Preferences".
• This will also require a URL to be entered - anything will do, but not blank.
The URL you set here is NOT important as Storez operates from its own Notify and Return URLs which ignore, and are independent of, your PayPal settings.
• Why? If you already have an IPN setting activated for some other program, it will continue to function for that program.
• Example? If you have already set your IPN URL so that you can use, say Treasury, then you can leave the URL on PayPal as it is, and still use Storez.
You should also modify "Payment Receiving Preferences" in your "Profile" area.
• Check your option for "Block payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold:".
• You should set this to the second option "No, accept them and convert them...". Failure to do this means you will have to manually confirm each payment within your PayPal account and the payment will NOT show on your site.
Storez settings in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Auto Return' to 'On', repeat 'On', in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Payment Data Transfer' to 'Off' in "Website Payment Preferences".
Duplicate Invoices: there is no need to change any PayPal settings if you encounter this issue - it means you are generating invoice numbers below what PayPal has on record from previous use.
a. you have reset your database and your OrderID auto-increment is under that number or,
b. you are using invoices in another application.
Simply add a 1 to 3 alpha character in Payment Methods PayPal options.