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[done] add user to group on Registration Reply to topic

Can we get a feature to add the new user to a specified group when they register? this would make controlling forum permissions a bit easier we could take away individual abilities. Thanks

Initiated by Bugger (Original Entry) - Comments Here Please.


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Individual forum permissions can be controlled at group level but it operates on the basis of access rather than denial of access.
  • forums must have all or most authorisation levels set to PRIVATE (or higher, like MOD and ADMIN) so that access is controllable by groups
  • then you edit the "New" Group for each authorisation level for each forum
  • all registrations are assigned to the "New" group via this new feature.
  • to remove a user's access you would remove him from the "New" group
However you will need a different group for every single different combination of those levels.
i.e. view, read, post, reply, edit, delete, vote etc.

The other way to control privileges is within the user table but then it is only at a global level, and since it requires changes to core, I avoid it.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

If i can add users to a group upon registration the forums support individual user settings for each action that is set to private. I want to make a group that would act like the REG does now but say a user abuses his posting rights. I can take him out of that group.

Actually come to think of it. How hard would it be to set forum permissions at registration? Say if any forum action(post, reply, edit, etc.) are set to private. When a user registers they are given permission to post,etc. by default then if needed admin can just go into user permissions in forum admin and disable there ability to post or other actions.


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Yep, understood Diz - what I listed above will do that, in conjunction with the group being assigned at registration.

How hard would it be to set forum permissions at registration?
Almost impossible without a radical, major overhaul of the whole user/forum/block/module system.
Currently best done by groups, per my previous post.
You can define a range of groups for different permutations of view, read, post, reply etc. and that will give you some options to play with.

User level controls are via the users table, like allow avatar and allow pm, but they are global. You could add extra user controls like can_post, allow_sig etc. but they would apply to all forums - that's a whole different ball game and it's a core table that I prefer to avoid, for now.

Nano has already done some groundwork on such a radical overhaul of the whole permissions system but it is a massive task.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

ok cool thanks


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This ForumsPlus enhancement will do most of what you want for registered users:

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Hi there

I found this on Espen website I think its what you might be looking for, as a new member joins they are auto added to a group here below is the write up on this..

here is the page download link mod.krypinn.net/index....s&id=1

cheers Tim

AutoUsers is a autologin-module based on the incomming url. You can make standard users for the theme and usergroup with the access to those modules you want.
If you include the url for the content page, you can make an automatic redirect also.

All restirction to content must be done as standard DF setup
- Diffrent access for diffrent users must be controlled by usergroups

- Added a new group-type to groupmanagement. This allow admin to set up preset usergroup where all new users automaticly becomes a member of.
- Changed Your_Account for autousers not beeing able to access the acount settings.

How is this working?
- When a user come to your site with the 'Referer url'.
- He will then be redirected to the page/module of your choice.
- Only users from a approved 'Refered from' url will be accepted.
- All autousers is counting the approved hits.
- All autousers is updatert with the last unautorised url.
- Controlpanel for create, edit, copy, test, and activate autousers.
- Customised header/footer for each autousers loginpage.

This way other users comming directly to your site will not be able to access this part of your site.
Even if the use the same url, they will be refused sins the referer is checked.

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Thanks. I don't edit core files tho. If i start doing that i will go crazy with it and then upgrading DF would be a nightmare. I have had to upgrade core modified sites before for others and its not fun.


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Never fear - I have a policy of leaving core files alone - the change will be simple and will be achieved without all that mess.

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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Done - just requires selection of a group in members config and it happens automatically whenever a member is activated - simple upgrade of AccountPlus, available in downloads.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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