DragonflyCMS Projects > Amazilla :: Archives > Undefined index :: Archived > Community Forums > Phoenix Netology
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Archived > Undefined index

First, thanks for porting this module into cpg9.

Dragonfly doesn't like something in

in includes/Amazilla/class.AmazillaLiteXMLParser.php

Notice line 198: Undefined index: totalresults
Notice line 198: Undefined index: totalpages
Notice line 193: Undefined index: details
Notice line 198: Undefined index: asin
Notice line 198: Undefined index: productname
Notice line 198: Undefined index: catalog
Notice line 198: Undefined index: manufacturer
Notice line 198: Undefined index: imageurlsmall
Notice line 198: Undefined index: imageurlmedium
Notice line 198: Undefined index: imageurllarge
Notice line 198: Undefined index: availability
Notice line 193: Undefined index: details
Notice line 198: Undefined index: asin

I looked into code, but cannot figure it out.
i just thought i'd let you know.

This little icon "wireless.gif was missing from images/amazilla/icons
for example, take a look at
nukebiz.com/Amazilla/a...2NE6I.html [to the left from item name ]
Since "add attachment" doesn't work on this board (CHMOD ?), get it from me

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yeah, I've tried various combinations, and sought advice, all without success, which is why I mentioned the issue in the News release - it's the one significant bug I can't eliminate, though it doesn't affect functionality.

Thanks, wireless has been coming up in the error log, frqeuently, but I just haven't got around to updating yet - it also is actually a category issue which I need to define coz it also gets fed from Amazon - thanks for the pic.

I disabled attach a while back when there were some issues - guess it's time to restore Smile

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