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[done] Email/Username Changes Reply to topic

Quite a common request we get is for username/email changes and doing this manually via the admin panel can be quite time consuming. Would it be possible to add this feature into AccountPlus. My suggestion would be that they submit the new username/email address that they want and then get sent another activation link. Once they click on it then the changes go live?

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hmm, now that we have a special table for password recovery, it could equally be used to handle username/email change requests.

Are you proposing that this is fully automatic?

DF already allows email address change when admin sets the option - I could simply re-construct that existing process, and include username, and set it up so that it can only happen if admin sets the option to yes.

To avoid an additional db change, this would mean that both could be changed, or none could be changed, not one or the other.

As with existing registration, and also the new password recovery, such requests would expire after 24 hours if not activated.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Actually this melds rather well into the enhanced useability path that we have been following.

The nebulous "My registration information" section will now be separated into "Change Password" and "Change username/email" sections which is more meaningful to the user, as well as separating the functionality .

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

That sounds like a good idea to me - if the username and email fields were already filled in when users went to that page then they could only change whichever one they wanted.....

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Correct, they will be pre-populated, much akin to what admin sees in the "Registration Information" section of "Edit User", except we will have the two sections for users.

I won't be providing js validation (bit of overkill), but I will be adding email confirm and the system will check for pre-existing and valid username/email prior to adding to the users_pass table.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Small problem with allowing username changes - some modules actually store username and not userid like they should.

In reality, we should make use of the "Real Name" for display purposes, like most other cms and forums, and the user can change it as much as they like.

In view of that concern, I'm gonna have to add a value to MAIN_CFG and set up member admin so that admins have a choice on allowing username change by itself, and useremail change by itself - currently I was taking a shortcut and linking username/emal change to the one "allowemailchange" flag.

That way admins make the decision on any downside associated with allowing username change.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

All done Very Happy

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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Great news! Is it online on this site as I don't appear to have an editable username field here?

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It was online here, briefly while I tested - I have chosen to allow email change only. If you want to test it, let me know and I'll just set the admin flag so you can test it.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Ok - that makes sense.

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Flag set.

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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Seen - looks ideal. Cheers .... nice work!

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All times are Australia/Adelaide

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