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Category | Dragonfly v9 > Add-Ons |
Submitted by | Phoenix |
Author's Name | Phoenix (port) |
Homepage | |
Version | 9.1.1 |
Compatibility | |
Published | Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:30 pm |
Updated | Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:49 am |
Major overhaul to meet DragonflyCMS 9.1.2+, including several bugs fixed.
Support Available Here • Report Bugs Here
- Captcha added to all anonymous options
- Multi-lingual capability restored
- Category menu relocated from code to block.
- Substantial code rationalisation and reduction
- Queries reduced by 35 for alphabet menu.
- XHTML 1.1 compliant
- Dates converted to unixtime
- IPs converted to binary
- Presentation enhancements
- Admin interface improved
- ReadMe section added
- Config data cached
- Review/Comment based on selectable groups
Support Available Here • Report Bugs Here
Editor's Note:
This version is not for which is no longer supported.