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Time Stretching Tips
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by Madeleine Frazier

Stop the world. . . I want to get off!

The television is blaring, the baby is screaming, your nine year old is changing the color of his younger sisters hair with a purple magic marker, the doorbell is ringing, the oven timer goes off and the jingling phone refuses to go to voice mail!

Does this or something pretty similar sound like your home? Are you trying to figure out why it is that, with all of our "labor saving devices," technology still hasn't figure out how to add more than 24 hours to every day?

Although it's no comfort you aren't alone. Something close to that scenario plays itself out every day in thousands of homes across the country. It's no wonder the society is stressed!

The problem is compounded by the fact that most of those who relate to this little story also hold down a full time job. . .not to mention that most are women!

Sorry guys, but let's face it, the numbers of guys who share the chores are still very, very slim.

So what's a modern day professional
and domestic engineer to do?

Why, grab some tips from your personal time management consultant, Madeleine Frazier! TIME Streeeetching TIPS is just what your therapist would order if he knew how!

This little guide is jam-packed with everything you need to know to "de-stress" your environment! As Madeleine will point out, we all have the same 24 hours.

So what's the difference between you and "Suzie Super Mom" down the street? She has a job. She has the requisite 2.5 children. She takes care of her home. Always volunteers for the PTA. She always looks like a super model. She's got the same 24 hours that you do.

So, what's got that you ain't got?

I'll tell you if you promise not to share the secret! Suzie has her own personal time management consultant. That's right, she has learned how to manipulate her 24 hours to her advantage rather than her detriment just by reading TIME Streeeetching TIPS!

.More than just another "self help" tome, TIME Streeeetching TIPS teaches you how to take control of your time and energy and put them to work for you instead of fighting the tide.

Hey, you got yourself into the situation you're in and you can get yourself out of it! You just need some guidance and you need to learn how to recognize what's really important in your life.

Once you have that information the sky's the limit! How would your life be impacted if you could really streeeetch your time? What if you could:

Learn just how much time you actually own.

Discover ways to "de-clutter" your mind, your home and your work.

Do away with self-defeating "mind talk."

Sleep better.

Improve your health.

Eliminate stress.

Achieve your goals easily.

Teach you what to do FAST!


Listen, if you have a sincere desire to do more, be more and have more of what's important in YOUR life, you need TIME Streeeetching TIPS!

Remember, you have the same 24 hours as the next guy or gal. You can choose to continue your own self-fulfilling prophecy or you can learn important TIME Streeeetching TIPS!

Grab your copy now and see results FAST!

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