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Taking Control of Alcohol
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By Claire Nash

As you read this letter, you will see that there is no "hype." There is much that could be written about alcohol abuse that would rank amongst the top level "hard sell" verbiage. Much of that could be written as humor.

However, alcoholism is not a laughing matter and our discussion here deserves serious attention.

We see and hear the statistics on television all the time. More and more people are "self medicating" with illegal drugs. Adults, teenagers, young and old alike. . . no one is immune. With all the choices out there the number one drug of choice is still alcohol.

Alcoholism is spiraling out of control here in the U.S. and abroad. Perhaps you can recall images of the "town drunk" in the old western movies. He was usually portrayed as a bumbling, likable and hearty sort of fellow who made you laugh.

Well, no one is laughing anymore.

The chances are very high that you have a friend or family member who is abusing alcohol. Most people who abuse alcohol are in a constant state of denial. They don't believe that alcohol is a problem for them, therefore they do not seek treatment.

Ignoring the problem only exacerbates the situation. Sometimes the only course of action is intervention, usually by loved ones. That's why it is so important to be informed and know what to look for in your own sphere of influence.

Okay, just what can I do about my loved one and alcohol abuse?

Learning about alcohol abuse has never been easier. "Take Control of Alcohol" is just what you need to educate yourself about alcohol. It is written in language that is simple and easy to understand.

Before you can help someone to recovery, you need to understand exactly what alcohol abuse is, where it comes from and why the afflicted party has it. Learning this information is the first step in being able to lead your loved one along that road to recovery.

Did you know that:

  • 40% of alcoholics in the U.S. are women?

  • High alcohol content in the body reduces immune system ability to fight off diseases?

  • Alcoholism is cancerous by itself and causes cancer of various body organs?

  • Women encounter higher health risks due to alcoholism than men?

  • Beer does not have a lower intoxication effect than wine or spirits?

Everyone is at risk for alcoholism. It touches men, women, teens and the elderly. Without help it is very difficult to stop drinking. The biggest problem is denial. Many people will look at a list of symptoms, shrug their shoulders and tell themselves, "Well, that's not me. . .I don't have a drink until after 5:00 p.m.).

Sound familiar? If you suspect that a family member or friend is addicted to alcohol, you need to educate yourself. The best way to do that is to get your own copy of "Take Control of Alcohol" and start learning right now.

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