The Golden Book of Proof
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Take 5 minutes out now to discover the little known secrets that 9 out of 10 business owners don’t know – but which could change the advertisements for your business into cash generating machines – EVEN if you know NOTHING about marketing
If you’ve ever wanted to get higher returns than shares … make more money than real estate, WITHOUT a fraction of the risk or the effort, then:
A) You must be in business for a start, and
B) You must know HOW to market that business
That’s why this could be the most important message you ever read, because in the next 5 minutes you’re going to find out about 7 cash keys that’ll turn your “crappy” advertising results into money in the bank.
So let me ask you:
- Have you ever run an ad that absolutely bombed?
- Have you ever mailed a promotion that got little or no response?
- Have you ever wondered how the competition gets people flocking to their business instead of yours?
- And how much money have you wasted on so called “experts” and “trial and error” in the past, just trying to find out what really works? Thousands of dollars? Tens of thousands???
To be honest, you could be sending yourself broke by NOT knowing the simple cash keys that expert marketers know. Experts like Brett McFall. He’s Australia’s top copy writer who brings in results like:
“$28,600 in 9 days”
“289,500 in just 3 weeks”
“$3,105 a week for just $600 spent on advertising”
“$1,477 a week from just $55 spent on advertising”
Yet, he also failed his high school English exam. So he’s not some University graduate with letters after his name a mile long. He worked damned hard to get the results that he has - but what he has done is boiled down those secrets so that you and I can learn in a few minutes what took him 15 years writing over 8,500 ads for 153 different industries.
Here’s what Tom Hua, a master web marketer from Melbourne Australia, who is respected around the world, had to say about him…
"I've been marketing on the internet now for years and make up to $2,000 a day. I've been in contact with some of the best copywriters the world has to offer. In fact, they hound me to use them. But I don't. Not since I stumbled upon one of the most gifted copywriters in the world, Brett McFall. From the first time I saw his copy in action, I knew it literally meant hundreds of thousands of dollars in EXTRA income for me. Income that few other writers could bring about. In fact, in my first project with him, his copy SOLD OUT a $2,497 seminar in just 7 weeks. With another 102 people screaming to be put on a waiting list (that's how desperate his copy made them to hand over their money). I've never seen that happen before. So the most important thing is hang on every word he says... read anything he writes ... and buy any product he has - just to be close to his genius. From the moment you do, you will begin to discover the simple secrets that will turn your business into a money-machine."
These are results that very few business people know how to achieve.
But one thing’s for sure – IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! You’ve just never been taught how!
But what if you were given the opportunity to learn from the best and take your “no-response” advertising and turn it into a way to melt your cash register???? How much would it be worth to you to discover the 7 cash keys and apply them to YOUR business for huge profits? What if you could get these keys that people pay thousands of dollars for, but get them at an absolute bargain price? Is that what you’re hoping for?
Trouble is, to get that sort of advice would normally set you back thousands of dollars. Until now, that is! Discover 7 cash keys to revolutionize your advertising forever in Brett McFall’s…
“The Golden Book of Proof” How You Can Send Your Cash Register Into Melt-Down No Matter What Business You Are In!
What an amazing opportunity to learn from the best and make it happen in hours, not days or weeks!
That’s what this book is all about – NOT theory … but actual proven strategies that work. In fact, it’s loaded with testimonials that show these secrets work like crazy.
You would have to agree that this is the sort of powerhouse lesson that every person in business (or looking to sell) would give their eye-teeth for.
That’s because we both know that this kind of “insider information” could literally make you hundreds of thousands of dollars. By the way, switched-on people regularly pay Brett $1,500 for the privilege of their own one-on-one half hour session! Imagine having the secrets he reveals at your fingertips for less than the price of a family dinner – just priceless!
To put it simply, it’s like having:
- Tiger Woods showing you how to add another 30 to 40 yards to your drive or
- Andre Agassi showing you how to serve an ace or
- Michael Jordan showing you how to shoot a basketball.
Except the 7 keys are all about making your ads pull mega response and maximum money using low cost - and sometimes no cost - methods!
Here are the 7 cash keys that you’ll discover:
· REVEALED! 5 Little Known Secrets To Get Your Sales Taking Off Like A 747.
· The Killer Questions You Can Use To Get Your Prospects ‘Over The Line’ … And Handing You Their Cash On A Plate.
· The Truth About Your “USP” And How To Use It To Make You Millions.
· The “Little” Technique That Will Catapult Your Sales Into Overdrive.
· How To Make Tens Of Thousands On Dollars On The Internet.
· How To Advertise Your Product Or Service Absolutely Free.
· How To Use Publicity To Get You Coverage Without The Price Tag.
· And So Much More!
Pretty amazing, don’t you agree? And it’s all possible. You won’t find this sort of information in ANY library or bookstore. These sorts of killer secrets ARE NOT available anywhere because they’re based on REAL WORLD situations – NOT THEORY!
You’ll only find them in Brett McFall’s …
“The Golden Book of Proof” How You Can Send Your Cash Register Into Melt-Down No Matter What Business You Are In!
But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what others have said about the information…
"The wealth of information you provide for the price is incredible. In a nutshell - this is simply a great tool for making much more money from our advertising. Thank you."
Gary Jameson, Emotional Healing Therapy, Vic.
“Since implementing Brett's strategies, customer response has increased and my goal of standing out above my competitors is now being realised. Thank you Brett!”
Dean Nelson, Brisbane, Australia.
“With Brett’s information on writing copy, I was able to create an ad to sell one of my businesses. It sold in 24 hours and the phone kept ringing for a further 4 days! Not bad for an amateur and all for less than 3 minutes work…”
Mick Hagarty, Brisbane, Australia.
What you’re going to discover is how to create a simple system for attracting customers with cold hard cash to your business. By discovering how easy it is to create ads that work, not only will you know what 99% of your competitors don’t even realize exists, but you’ll develop a money making skill for life!
Now at this stage you’re probably wondering how much this insider information is going to cost (and the truth is it’s not going to cost you a thing! How? I’ll tell you in just a moment.)
But before I do, I’d like to ask you something important…
What would it be worth if you discovered how to create profitable advertising for the rest of your life? Wouldn’t it be truly worth investing say … $1,000 now … if in the next couple of weeks you not only make that amount back, but 3 or 4 times that in profit?
It would be a good investment, wouldn’t it?
Let me ask you something else:
If I could show you a way to get Brett McFall’s “Golden Book of Proof” now, without it costing you anywhere near $1,000 … would you be interested? In fact you’re not even going to pay half that amount.
Your investment is just $17. How many more sales would you have to get in order for you to feel good about investing $17 right now?
Truth is, it’s only going to take you one simple idea to make this the best investment you’ve made this year (or ever). You’re discovering the insider information to turn your advertising into a pile of cash! So is it worth it?
You tell me…
- How much money have you wasted in the past 2 months alone on advertising that didn’t work?
- How much will you waste in the next 12 months if you don’t get it right?
To be honest you’d be crazy not to grab this and hold on to it with both hands, right? That’s why you’ll want to order right now!
Believe me, no-one has every explained the money making secrets of advertising in such a simple, down-to-earth way before.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to get these solutions for your business? If you spend more than $500 a year on any sort of ad or promotion, this book is the best investment you’ll ever make.
And you know something else?
Your purchase is 100% GUARANTEED RISK-FREE.
Here’s the deal – for the next 3 months, put the 7 cash keys to the test …
If “The Golden Book of Proof” is not everything that I’ve claimed it is and more, or if for any reason you are not completely and utterly satisfied, just let us know for a complete, no hassle refund.
Now you can’t get any fairer than that, right? There simply is NO risk.
“But wait there’s more!”
Here’s a BONUS that may be withdrawn at any time, that will definitely make this deal too good to refuse:
“The Amazing Secrets Of One Of The Hottest, Money-Sucking Strategies You’ve Ever Seen!”
In this never-before-released, compelling report, Brett McFall reveals:
R The one critical key that is missing from your ads and preventing you from mega sales
R 2 before and after ads - see the old version and the new version written by Brett, to discover how to get REAL impact in your own advertising (just follow what HE does to make more money in your business)
R How a simple letter could send your sales soaring (you’ll never believe how easy it can be to write a letter that brings in sales – see Brett’s amazingly simple template which you can use over and over again)
Plus more. And realize this: Brett talks in “everyday” language. Which means you’ll understand every word. In fact, he makes marketing so simple, a 12 year old could do it. This report is valued at $29 on it’s own. But it’s yours FREE only with the purchase of the Golden Book Of Proof.
But that’s not all because, if you’re a “reader,” then you’re more than covered with this powerful e-book, plus this first-release SPECIAL REPORT. But what about your aural side? Do you know that 35% of people learn best when they HEAR something?
Which means, reading is “okay” for them. But they really LOVE to listen. So Brett’s offering you an exclusive interview he did on Australian radio (ABC – which is Australia’s national broadcaster).
SPECIAL BONUS: Brett McFall LIVE On Radio: “How To Use Your Writing Skills To Get People To Pay Up Their Debts … FAST!”
You know, one of the biggest drains you’ll have on your business, is “debtors.” Those folks who delay in paying you. In other words, they put someone or something else, before you. And you end up getting paid 3 or 4 months later than you should. Or worse, NOT AT ALL!
Well what if Brett could show you what to write in order to get people to pay up FAST! It all comes down to how well you can write a letter. And Australia’s ABC Radio tracked Brett down for their listeners (who tune in from all over Australia), to see how he does it.
Now, YOU missed the call. But it was recorded. And you’ll get the recording as a special bonus with this purchase. In fact, what if applying what he says helps you get $1,000 … $2,000 … or more, repaid to you from those who owe you?
Would that make this a good investment? Sure would, right?
Well that’s not all he reveals, because you’ll also hear what happens when the radio announcer puts Brett on the spot with a question like: “Okay, I open a brand new café, how are you going to pack it out with customers right away WITHOUT spending much money?”
And in a matter of seconds Brett solves the problem, and has the announcer knocked back in her comfy chair. With no doubt that what he just revealed could mean thousands of dollars to ANY business owner. Not just a café owner.
So how does that sound?
Is that a fair deal? You invest just $17 and receive value that outweighs that by 10 times at least.
- Could you get excited about advertising that makes your cash register melt?
- Can you see the value in having “insider information” on the 7 cash keys to revolutionize your advertising?
- Are you looking forward to not throwing away any more hard earned money on advertising that doesn’t work?
- Doesn’t it makes sense to make such a small investment for what could be tens of thousands of dollars return?
- How important would it be to you to have a huge advantage over your competitors?
- Isn’t this what you’ve always dreamed about? A “no-nonsense”, simple solution to what has been, up to now, a difficult marketing problem. (I know most businesses have wanted it – and now it’s actually available!)
If you’ve said YES to any of these questions, then you couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to do something about it. You’ll get everything you need to make it happen.
It’s easy to get the ball rolling…
Get your copy of “The Golden Book of Proof” IMMEDIATELY. Plus the 2 “killer” bonuses!