A port of KISSQ, the nuke Stock Quote module by Raven at ravenphpscripts.com
Use it to manage and monitor your own portfolio, or just as a handy link for your visitors and members.
The Treasury module has been updated with a few tweaks in various areas, plus display of the last 10 payments in admin, with edit/delete options, as well as the capability to manually add payments.
I am developing a basic shopping cart program, based on the nuke 'CCart Pro' program. It's primary focus is online downloadable stuff, but it is also useable for subscriptions.
Only viewable in members area as I don't want searchens picking up on it until all the bugs are sorted and as secure as I can get it. For now, it will use PayPal and Clickbank, and maybe StormPay and 2CheckOut later on. It also includes CafePress.
It's nothing fancy but might fill the hole until CPG-Shop is completed.
I have released a beta version of MReviews for CPG Dragonfly CMS.
Functionality restored for several featues, most xhtml non-conformances repaired, most language issues fixed, uses bbcode, no changes to pre-existing database structure (yet).
Please feedback info HERE.