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[fixed] The Read More link breaks Reply to topic

On my site, it seems if the blog is made up of pictures then it breaks the "Read More" link.

See my site for examples of this bug. www.saxosportsclub.com/Blogs.html

Initiated by Bugger (Original Entry) - Comments Here Please.


Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

The image is the symptom - what is happening is that the image closing tag is being removed as part of the truncation process for the summary.

I'll have to fine tune the ellipsis.

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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Finally back into things - in retrospect, I should have created two fields for text entry, an intro section then the main section for the "read more".

That is the change I can make but it means older blogs with issues will have to be edited.

Alternatively, I can simply strip anything within tags for what is displayed on the blog summary, which means things like images and hyperlinks won't be displayed there.

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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Never mind all of that - found a nifty function which preserves html tags in the summary truncation process - problem solved and v9.1.7 released.

Donations & Audit for DragonflyCMS

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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