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Try this replacement for line 761
	list($memname) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT username FROM ".$user_prefix."_users WHERE username='".Fix_Quotes($row['author'])."'");

Yes, can fix review listing - didn't even occur to me when I made the other change.

Yes, now that we have gone down the path of preventing users from changing their user name, having the separate anonymous box is rather silly.

In any event, it is my intention to store reviewer IP in the db for reviews and comments, and include it in the email advice Smile

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hmm, adding a check for username in review listing adds between 5 and 20 queries to the page, depending on how many reviews are listed.

So, I need to add an extra field to the MReviews table to signify when it is a user, and check against that field - this will mean no extra db queries, but a whole series of code changes.

Since this will take longer, and since I realized I have numbered the last release incorrectly, I am releasing an update that will correct the version number and the fix_quotes issue - it will have the user profile link for members in the reviews listing, but that will use extra db queries, for now.

This module update will add the extra field for future use, and automatically update your existing mreviews table for existing users.

However, I have already added the IP, and a lookup, in the mail you get for comments added.

Update available from downloads - ensure you backup your db before running 'edit' in modules to do the update Smile


Donations & Audit for DragonflyCMS

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

will the anonymous box be removed as well?
Very Happy

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yep, it's gone, and all the above mentioned changes have been completed.

atm I'm adding smilies Very Happy - comments done, doing reviews now.
(before I get asked for it anyway)

Donations & Audit for DragonflyCMS

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Just noticed another bug Very Happy

The latest review added for a category is different than the actual lastest review.

See here:

and here:
Category index

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hmm, yet another weird 'bug' from the original code - thought I had found all of them Confused

For some strange reason, it was set to pick up 1 review on the basis of the title which means it was picking up the highest alphabetical letter???

Buggered if I can think of any reason why you would do that - now changed to pick up on the basis of the latest review id - ideally should be by date, but dates need to eventually be converted to an integer, so I'm leaving dates out of sorts for now.

btw, nice collection you have there - can see why you have an interest in the module.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):


A small donation will be heading your way soon for all your hard work Very Happy

Do you know when 9003 will be available for download with your updates?

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thanks - available later today - gotta get some zzzz's

Now available in downloads nukebiz.com/Downloads/...id=42.html

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Here are few more minor bugs/fixes:

Can the up/down arrow image link to a custom image in the MReviews/images folder and not the default cpgnuke arrows?
I don't want to change the default arrows as they are beinmg used elsewhere.

I cannot have two sub-categories with the same name, even though the main/parent categories are different.
I was trying to add an 'Other' sub-category to each main category.

Is it possible to have the 'All Reviews in our Database' A-Z menu to only link to listing with entries?
Like the sub-categories here

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1. done Smile ( nukebiz.com/MReviews/rop=A.html )
2. is a problem - what happens when someone transfers a sub-category to another category Confused
3. done, but added an extra db query to the page Sad ( nukebiz.com/MReviews.html )

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Actually, back to point 2 - I checked the code and it should, and I just added sub-categories with the same name to different categories, no problem Confused

I still feel it raises a problem if you want to transfer sub-categories, but it does create them.

Version updated nukebiz.com/Downloads/...id=42.html

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):


All seems to be OK now Very Happy

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All times are Australia/Adelaide

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