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Download updated to beta3 - further bug fixes and a number of features added, as per the sticky topics Smile

I still have a problem with the double quotes which is also an issue in the Reviews module - damned if I can see why, despite extensive tests and changes.

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Does the Beta3 update the first beta? Is all I have to do to go to Modules and click Update once inside MReview like a "normal" DF-module?

Andreas Rönnqvist

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I get the following when I try to update:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: upgrade() in /home/hosts/omega/www/omega.sverok.net/admin/modules/modules.php on line 126

Whats up with this?

Andreas Rönnqvist

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Huge BUG/Error:

When you edit a written review it converts all data (including BBCode) into HTML. This HTML will however not parse "back" into the review, meaning that if you edit a review, you have to delete ALL HTML (breaks, links asf) and redo everything. Very annoying, very troublesome.

Andreas Rönnqvist

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There is a minor issue with the version update - no real need to update that anyway.

No bug when editing reviews - mine works fine.

btw, swedish lang included in beta3, courtesy of angellis_ater Smile

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Okay, change of plans - beta3 is there, but will be superceded very shortly by v9.0 which has all bar one of the extra features included.

Still haven't resolved the double quote - pending a bug report for Reviews which also has the same problem.

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Thanks for some excellent work on this one, now if I can only find out why I have troubles with the HTML appearing when editing...

Andreas Rönnqvist

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Do you have html enabled in your main settings, mail area?

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beta4 released, should resolve the html code issue when viewing the review.

the double quote issue still has me beat, for title and content Confused

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Front end bugs/usability issues for beta 4.

1. "Allow Guests to Post? = No" does not seem to work.

I am unsure how this is supposed to work but I have tried as a member and guest, but it does not stop me posting as "anonymous".
I need to be able to stop anonymous comment being posted, and only allow members to comment.

2. There is no link for members to submit a review.

3. Comments in IE are centered and not left aligned.

4. The review image needs a left and bottom padding of about 10px.

5. There is no link on the MReview left menu block to take users back to the main MReviews page / index.

6. Is it possible to have the categories listed on the MReviews main index page?

7. There is no link to delete a comment on the review page.

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not sure which version you have problems with,
1. guests to post does work - reset in new admin interface, now works on true false
2. members need to be within a sub-cat before the link is there
3. can do
4. can do
5. can add
6. defeats the purpose of the block but could restore a small section with main cats again
7. already fixed in my version

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1. sorry confused over posting comments and posting reviews. It does work.

Is it possible to limit comments in the same way?
I really need this feature, otherwise people post crap anonymously Smile

7. Will this be in the next beta version? I'm using the beta4.

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yeah, probly beta5 today - getting close to final now - have the double quotes fix too, thanks to some help from DJMaze - I can also then finish the word checking.

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1. was working - added comments too.
2. was working
3. couldn't find an alignment problem in beta4?
4. fixed
5. added link to block, though most pages have the link anyway.
6. left as is - doubles the db queries, so not good - 1 query per category.
7. already fixed in dev copy.
8. double quotes now fixed.

First official release, v9.0.1 available in downloads - no db changes from beta4, just file updates for bugs.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Thanks Phoenix

I now have this running on my site.

Here is bug that has shown itself.

On /MReviews/op=show/rid=64.html
While executing query "SELECT username FROM bmuk_users WHERE username='Odin's Warrior'"

the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Warrior'' at line 1

In: /home/internet/public_html/blackmetal/modules/MReviews/index.php on line: 761

Is it possible to have the reviewer link on the review listing pages, to link to 'Your Account' if that user exists, like on the review itself?

Also please can the 'Post Anonymously' check box be disabled when only members can post comments.
Otherwise people can still post rubbish as members but still be Anonymous!

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All times are Australia/Adelaide

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