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[fixed] Product Name Doesn't Appear in List Item of Cart Reply to topic

I am using Storez 9.2.3 (update on August 4, 2008).

I tried to add item to the cart by selecting/opening first the detail of a product, then press the Order button from this page. On the next page, the name of product doesn't appear (blank name).

Initiated by Bugger (Original Entry) - Comments Here Please.

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

As a matter of fact, I have fixed this bug. Could I post the fix by replying this topic?

Best regards,
Masino Sinaga

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

Works here - you must have missing info on yours?

The info is part of the variable $product_string in cart.php which is where that info is generated.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Phoenix wrote
Works here - you must have missing info on yours?

The info is part of the variable $product_string in cart.php which is where that info is generated.

No. That is not what I mean. I think you have misunderstood.
That $product_string in cart.php is still in there.

I mean like this:
1. I have logged in as registered user.
2. I browse to a store. For example, in store A, there are 3 products. They are: ProductA, ProductB, and ProductC.
3. I click on ProductA link, on the next page, I saw description with more detail, and of course, there is a Order button in that page.
4. Then I click the Order button, and on the next page (Your Cart Contents), I saw a row with no product name in the list of item in my cart.

That is what I mean.
Ouw..., as I wrote in my previous post above, can I post the fix here? Thanks.

Best regards,
Masino Sinaga

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

No need, I can see the problem now that you have detailed it Smile

There are still more issues arising from my conversion to a templated system - it was a large task.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Your wish is my command. Very Happy
I am so glad, now you have known about it. Smile

Best regards,
Masino Sinaga

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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