i installed IP tracker first - it seemed like it didn't work (in fact i didn't add the line in footer - sorry) and I uninstall it (didnt make back up - just deleted the files).
After that I tried on the back up site - and got it to work - and I am happy with it.
The problem is now when I try to install again on the main site after uploading files and clicking install in the Module Admin - i get the error:
A database error has occurred
The webmaster has been notified of the error
Please help
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Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Posts: 1543
Location: Netosphere
From what you have said, you didn't run the uninstall process, so most likely a re-install is failing because the old database tables are still there.
Other than that, not much I can help with, without you providing the actual error - you need to set your debugging options on to get the error details displayed.
Yes, delete those 3 tables, then re-install - no others
Also remove the field for radminip_tracker in the cms_admins table (only that field, no others) - it won't stop a correct install but it will result in an error which might worry you.