DragonflyCMS Projects > BlogsPlus > [Release] BlogsPlus 9.1.5 > Community Forums > Phoenix Netology
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[Release] BlogsPlus 9.1.5 Reply to topic

Discuss It added, without the errors and shortcomings of all other versions. Options to comment in forum or blog. Blog deletion will also delete topics and posts and reset forum and user stats.

Admin converter added to convert previous blogs and comments to topics and posts, if desired.

ReadMe added to admin, so make sure you read it before running the converter.

Various compliance and IE adjustments and several original bugsfound and fixed.

Collapsible blogs simplified.

Available Here

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Last edited by Phoenix on Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

I've just noticed an irregularity that has been there since the original.

On the main page, there is a link on the username which provides a list of that user's blogs, but linked to the user.php file which limits the number to 5, but it also uses 5 db extra queries to generate that list.

If I change that link from Blogs/user/nick=username.html to Blogs/nick=username.html, then it provides a listing similar to the one on the main page, with 5 less db queries - it only uses 2 db queries, no matter how many entries you choose for your main pagination. The user.php link is still retained when the user clicks on "My Blog".

The advantage of modifying this comes when your site is being hammered by search engines, so I attach the modified page.php file which I shall include in the next release.
Attachment: page.php.zip
Description modules/Blogs/page.php
Filename page.php.zip
Filesize 1.80 KiB
Downloaded 4 Time(s)
You are not allowed to view/download this attachment

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Great news - improved performance is always welcomed!

There can be only one

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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