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I just tried messing around with it and I noticed when I hit the "continue shopping" button after adding something to my cart, I get a 404. My site is in a sub directory, so what changes would I have to make...and to what file please? Thanks for the help. Smile

Oh yeah, one more thing too if you don't mind. I'm terrible at finding the right file. Where can I find the page with the google ad in it so I can alter it so the color matches my site?

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After poking around, I'm guessing what I may have to change regarding the subdirectory is in cart.php, but I really have no idea how to proceed. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.

Regarding the google code (see below), if anyone else needs this, I did eventually find it in common.php.

Oh yeah, one more thing too if you don't mind. I'm terrible at finding the right file. Where can I find the page with the google ad in it so I can alter it so the color matches my site?

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I'm not sure why you get a 404 error - the module doesn't care where your site is located, whether that be sub-directory or sub-domain - its reference is always to the root of your installation. Perhaps soemthing is wrong in your DragonflyCMS setup.

You could change in line 91 of cart.php, though it shouldn't be necessary for a correct setuponclick="self.location.href=\'/'.getlink().'\';toonclick="self.location.href=\'/'.getlink('BizStore').'\';

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Yeah, I'm not sure why I get it either. Very strange. After I add a book to my cart, I'm at:

.com/subdirectory/index.php?name=BizStore&file=cart and when I click on the continue shopping button, I'm brought to:

.com/index.php?name=BizStore (the 404).

If you think it's something I screwed up in the Dragonfly installation, would there be anyway to rectify it or check?

Thanks for the post. Smile If it's nothing I can change within the installation, I will definitely implement your fix.

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That addition to cart.php didn't fix my little issue. Continue Shopping button still goes to /index.php?name=BizStore and I get errored. Smile If you or anyone else has any further thoughts, I'm open to ideas. Thanks.

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Try this:

<button type="button" class="button" onclick="self.location.href=\'/YOUR_SUBDOMAIN/'.getlink('BizStore').'\';

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