I noticed that some items give an error when you try to check out..
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open
2. Add to cart
3. Checkout
at Amazon: insert your Amazon password.
You will get:
"We're sorry! An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we're working to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please note that if you were trying to make a purchase, your order has not been placed.
We apologize for the inconvenience."
if you click on " Continue shopping" Amazon loops in this error.
First I thought maybe it happens because you have to buy a service when you purchase the phone.. nope. Here is the example of prepaid phone
it has exactly the same problem.
When "Buy from Amazon" button is enabled and clicked, a popup window opens (as expected), it shows the correct item. Then you add it to cart, Amazon window opens and nothing gets added in the cart.
Another funky thing (probably related)
1. Open
2. add it to cart
3. go back or open again the same item and add it to cart again
In the cart you will see the same item with quantity of 2 (this is correct),
and there is a warning "Cart service failed.We encountered an error processing your shopping cart request" linked to
plus some other nonsense, like "Note: Items with total Price of 0.00 have an extra special discount when you click the Start Checkout button."
Any ideas?
![Wink Wink](/images/smiles/wink.gif)