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Editing error Reply to topic

Just downloaded the latest version and installed it and wanted to "seed" the donations by entering a donation myself. Did so from the admin panel and then noticed two things:

First off, the added transaction never showed up in the Donat'o'Meter block.

Secondly, when I went to modify that entry from the admin section, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: financialregedit() in /var/www/modules/Treasury/admin/index.inc on line 870

Looking at line 870 is index.inc we see:

869 case "FinRegEdit": 870 FinancialRegEdit(); 871 break;

And, there's the error. There is no function defined called FinancialRegEdit. So, lets get this corrected and a pacth put out so that those of us that need to edit the transactions, can. Smile


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Sorry, but that's not an error, and transaction editing works fine? - you will find that php reports all errors like that in lower case, regardless of the actual case of the function.

Example: try leaving the header.php include out of a module and you'll get "undefined function: openblock()"

There was a previous post in this forum about the specific way you need to set up a transaction manually.

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My deepest apologies as I apparently offended you with my earlier post. Since I did not accuyrately describe the problem, please allow me to do so know:

First off, I didn't say that there was a problem with the case, I meerly copied and pasted exactly what the browser showed for the error, and the code that it claimed was wrong. Nor did I indicate an error with manually adding a record, only with editing it.

After closer troubleshooting, I have seen part of the error of my ways and I apologize for them, however, the specific error that I reported of

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: financialregedit() in /var/www/modules/Treasury/admin/index.inc on line 870

is in fact an error.

That function, financialregedit(), does not exist in the index.inc file that is provided with the archive from the currently available download from this site.

Now, the editing of entries in the Treasury - Last 10 Payments section works flawlessly. From the Treasury Financial Register, however, is where the error is found.

Since I apparently came across as someone with no PHP experience at all, I do appreciate the lesson in how php reports errors and the difference in function calls and case as well.

Since I can't find it, please tell me where the function FinancialRegEdit() exists.

Thank you for your time and trouble on this.

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Indeed, you are quite correct - humble apologies for totally misreading the issue - when you finished your post with with "edit the transactions" I got stuck on that thought instead of the financial register Embarassed

It's been quite a while since I worked on this, and have absolutely no idea why it is missing - I shall restore.
Attachment: index.inc.zip
Description replacement for modules/Treasury/admin/index.inc
Filename index.inc.zip
Filesize 8.91 KiB
Downloaded 5 Time(s)
You are not allowed to view/download this attachment

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Last edited by Phoenix on Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

No worries Phoenix, thanks for looking into this, please advise when it's fixed and available. Smile

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Laughing done - was editing the attachment comment while you were posting.

(package updated)

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Thanks for the quick response! Very Happy

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i have installed the treasury and when i tested it showed no errors saidi was good to go

bit i have had 5 donations and i get the email from paypal telling me of the donations but my donat a meter stays the same

it does not reflect these donations
i have my paypal set up like the readme said
i have gone into the config and i just dont see what else needs changing

help me
i added the patch and when i tried to add them manually it didnt work either

can some one please help me

what am i doing wrong ?


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RedHearT wrote
i added the patch and when i tried to add them manually it didnt work either

What exactly doesn't work when you try to add them manually?

I had this problem when I first installed the Treasury module, but after adding just one donation manually, the block now updates automatically when a donation is received. I haven't looked at the code, but would suspect that the db insert is, most-likely, failing on an empty table.

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jeepers now im confused i reinstalled treasury to get default
i dont know if i have patch version im using version 9002
but my index is php do i need the inc one instead ?

im sorry to be a pain here but ive tried for hrs on ends daily to get this going i know its gotta be in config set up

my paypal is all turned on and my token is in there too in pdt

my paypal ipn is same as treasury configs url ipn notification

my payment data transfer is

my url for ipn notification is

my url cancel donation is this

so do i need the index.inc or keep the index.php in treasury ?

help im going looney

moderators or admin
delete this post if i put something that is private not to be shown in here please

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Last edited by RedHearT on Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:30 am; edited 1 time in total

index.inc should be placed within your /modules/Treasury/admin folder. I'd replace your current index.inc with the above, attached index.inc. Leave index.php as it is, in /modules/Treasury/.

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wow i open the ftp admin and the index.inc was z zipped files
now i dnloaded the index.inc and im gonna go look at my paypal again on my web site
i will let ya know
did everything look right

im brain dead after messing with this thing 3 days

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well its not working ive got all i know set up in paypal turned on and now my index.inc is installed in admin folder is 9002 the patch

ive done so much i cant remeber what the patch name was called as a zip file

im beat

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Have you added a donation manually?

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i want to personally thank
Phoenix and Safecracker for all your help

phoenix explaing to me the config set up
and litterally showing me what to have in it

for showing me the index.inc in admin
mine was initially ziped and passworded in original dnload

she told me to get the new index.inc dnload and where to put it

now my payapl is working

i have not added manually anyone because im not sure how
so to the 5 that donated i created a catagory called cookie jar
and added the givers there
untill i could get my donations set up correctly

thank you both for being so patient and so kind

Red Very Happy

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All times are Australia/Adelaide

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