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Archived > center-block is top notch technology

Hello all here-.

well to be honest - the center-block is top notch technology! It is a killer-application. I would say -with this block many many sites can earn some additionals money. That is awesome!

Thanks for the great great contribution. This module is soooo great!

does the centerblock run also with the nukeAmazon-gallery?

The gallery is here to view www.indodigest.com/ind...84295.html

please advice how we can set up the system without de-connection. This way is possible, isn´t it. The NukeAmazon-Module is supergreat. Thanks for the hard work on it.


The center block uses the functions arising from Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Charlie at casino-mn.com did a good job of putting it together.

The Amazonia module at indodigest operates differently, but there's nothing to stop you using both, but they do operate off different databases.

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