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Buy it now and Add to cart. Reply to topic

in your Amazilla version you could pull up a section like Baby or Books etc. or do a search and every thing that would show up had a
[Buy it From Amazon.com] tag.

It might be asking to much but a [Buy it now] and [Add to Cart] tag would go a long way in making the sales. It removes that one extra click that some one might not want to do. Make it simple for the buyer has he is all ways right....

Thanks again as always...and once I get Biz store working up to snuff on the site I will flow you some cash like last time.

Eric G. Hall


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okay, it already has that on the individual product page, so you want to add that to the browse page, where multiple items are listed?
Like here www.global-hobbies.com...63296.html

Amazon have announced AWS3 (Amazilla) will terminate next March, so still time to adjust Smile

This version is deliberately queryless, so that its only speed limitation is the response from Amazon, so I need to take care with options. The current options are catered for in the core config system, but I am loathe to overload that system.

However, since it is fully templated, some options can be catered for just by adjusting the template.

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Phoenix wrote
okay, it already has that on the individual product page, so you want to add that to the browse page, where multiple items are listed?
Like here www.global-hobbies.com...63296.html

Yes, The Buy now and add to cart would be great on this list

Amazon have announced AWS3 (Amazilla) will terminate next March, so still time to adjust Smile

That is the older version...I hope..the one that I have on the rest of my sites??? This new versions I hope will not go bellie up that soon as I semm to like it much better than the older version.

This version is deliberately queryless, so that its only speed limitation is the response from Amazon, so I need to take care with options. The current options are catered for in the core config system, but I am loathe to overload that system.

Lost me on that one...

However, since it is fully templated, some options can be catered for just by adjusting the template.


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I will add the extra buttons, but will make them smaller so they don't dominate the page like before.

Yes, Amazilla was based on AWS3 - it was supported by Amazon for a number of years, but the newer version, AWS4 or ECS4, should last longer.

It is far more efficient, especially now that the database is out of play, and seems to have a lot more developer support from Amazon.

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Was this what you had in mind?


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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Yep, just like that or even side by side works. The price check thing does not work on my end, no longer letting people join. but if both were side by side centred under (price subject to change) I think that would look real nice.

It gives people a quick click and I think that is how you make most sales any way.

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From the point of view of vacant real estate, I've left them on the right, but you can adjust the template to suit yourself.

Files attached:
browsepage.php => modules/BizStore/
browsepage.html => themes/whatever/template/bizstore/
images => modules/BizStore/images/
Attachment: browsepage.zip
Filename browsepage.zip
Filesize 7.08 KiB
Downloaded 2 Time(s)
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I see were you updated your page, that looks real good, Thanks.

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All times are Australia/Adelaide

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