The NukeAmazon module version for CPG-Nuke is now renamed to Amazilla, for a couple of reasons.
1. having incurred the wrath of for using their name as part of a domain name, I don't wish to run the risk of getting caught up in that issue again by having their name included in the module.
2. there has been confusion from phpnuke users trying to use it, and it just won't work - this version has been completely customized for CPG-Nuke only.
Amazilla, version AMZcpg3, will be released soon.
- hundreds of php warning notices have been eliminated
- html 4.01 and xhtml compliance improved further
- language files now utf-8 standard
- language changes on site by an adapted CPGlang module.
- completely compatible with both CPG-Nuke 8.2 and 8.3
- operates under LEO (Link Engine Optimization)
Special thanks to Charlie at for guidance and suggestions.
Extra special recognition of EJDiaz at - NukeAmazon is his module.