DragonflyCMS Projects > Weather Harvest > Weather Harvest cpg_inst.php issue > Community Forums > Phoenix Netology
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Weather Harvest cpg_inst.php issue Reply to topic

By chance, I recently noticed my site credits page was not fully functional.

Upon investigating, I found the cause was the large (941kb) cpg_inst.php file which was causing the problem.

Attached is a zip containing a stripped down cpg_inst.php and the original file labelled as cpg_inst0.php - I recommend you place them both in your modules/WeatherHarvest directory.

Needless to say, I shall provide large database installations as a separate file in future.
Attachment: whcpg_inst.zip
Filename whcpg_inst.zip
Filesize 104.24 KiB
Downloaded 5 Time(s)
You are not allowed to view/download this attachment

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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