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Archived > Minor "error" on my site with Amazilla...

It's probably something I have done, so I will keep it brief.

I am a bit of an amatuer and am slowly putting together a little community site using Dragonfly.

Everything seems to be working fine with the module, with the exception of one little *blip*. Quite simply, there are 2 of every Amazon catergory (books, dvd, etc...) showing in my "Browse Catalogues" menu.

The links for the duplicated catergories are identical, with the only difference being one ends in "-uk" and one does not.

Since adding the module to my site, I have changed the necessary admin details (amazon ID etc...), amazon locale to UK, and I imported the "UK" SQL file into my database... so I assume (probably wrongly) that this has somehow caused this error.

My site/Amazilla can be found here: xyta.co.uk/index.php?name=Amazilla

Anyway, any help would be appreciated Smile

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😒

You have both data sets in the database, so you need to delete the non-uk data.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Aha! Smile

Perfect, Thanks for the quick response! Very Happy

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😒

All times are Australia/Adelaide
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