DragonflyCMS Projects > Amazilla :: Archives > Adding Items? :: Archived > Community Forums > Phoenix Netology
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Archived > Adding Items?


Everything appears to be working fine == except that I can't add a single item. I get to the confirmation screen --- with the image intact --- do you want to add this item?

I click yes -- it refreshes to the statistics screen and nothing is added. Is there a chmod I am missing perhaps?

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hmm, no permissions required - all data is stored in the database?

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

i think it is because my host has disabled fopen(). without that -- I don't think amazilla will work....

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geez, that means you're gonna have problems with a lot more than just Amazilla - it's used extensively in Dragonfly core Confused

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

that is a little alarming -- I have not noticed any other problems so far... but now I have a step one in troubleshooting...

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it's a real pita I know but, aside from getting your host to allow proper access to fopen, you could add items manually Confused

you just need to enter the relevant ASIN number

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

hmmmm -- I wonder if it would be easier to have a SQL query to actually add all the items? If so, what would that end up looking like?

my host has offered me the chance to move to another server, but I think that involves a lot more work than I want to do myself. If THEY offered to move it all, then I might bite.

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Tuta, I found a routine on nukeamazon for someone else having the same issue, which replaces fopen with a curl request - I have updated the download for this, plus a Cart bug, so this may resolve your issue Smile

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Phoenix - that seems to have fixed the adding items issue, now the only thing I see that i think is related is when I click around the catalog, none of the images seem to come over as well -- it looks like it is the same issue...
Attachment: getimagesize.jpg
Description in modules/Amazilla/index.php and in includes/Amazilla/functions.php
Filesize 56.70 KiB
Viewed 514 Time(s)

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getimagesize(0 is a pretty fundamental PHP function - does your host know what he/she is doing? They're running a site so unnecessarily tight that it has no php functionality.

I can find a replacement function for that, but it is old and it uses fopen Confused

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

They are very cheap -- 3.95 a month 100mb w/ 1gb bandwidth. Unlimited MySQL dbs so I get to play a lot.


I would be willing to move to a comparably cheap/better host...


I will email them again and ask why this funciton is turned off as well.


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