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[fixed] Check out Error Reply to topic


all fields are filled out but when you click continue you get :
*** Please enter all required information - 1 omissions! *** in red

nothing left to fill out, so not sure what it wants.

no errors or notice given with debug on


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I think I figured it out there is a field missing for street adress
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hmm, instant checkout doesn't required street address etc. - it only uses the bare essentials, as shown in your pic.

I'm unable to duplicate, either as a user or as a guest.

What does the fuller image look like?

edit: never mind, more checks and I think I know how - I suspect you have checked an item in checkout config like "how did you hear of us". This does result in your error.

Regrettably that aspect was provided to me and I've either missed something or the code was incomplete.
Attachment: checkout1.png
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Attachment: checkout.png
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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

that was it and found another issue, items with a $0 (free) and that are downloadable items, still require manual approval before user can download


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hmm, one issue per topic Laughing

The attached zip has modules/Storez/checkout.php and themes/default/template/storez/checkout.html
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Filename checkout.zip
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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

thanks and sorry my bad I will make a new topic for it


Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

<-- you would think I would know better by now Wink


Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

fixed confirmed


Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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