Available Here
Now you have control over the store.
- added Appliances, Arts and Crafts, Home and Garden
- selecting a main category now provides a product listing as well as the usual sub-category listing
- editable browse nodes - add/edit and activate/de-activate categories used
(if no browse nodes in database for a locale, it uses info from nodes/locale_browse.inc)
- database changes so make sure you upgrade the module in:
admin => modules => edit => Upgrade to 9.5.0
For those operating the US locale and with customized categories on the front page, go to
Manage Nodes in admin to check the 35 active categories I have provided and edit/de-activate those you don't want listed. Add/activate your own custom categories.
Check the
Read Me section. Non-US locales will operate as before, until you start adding info via Manage Nodes.
Bugs and Features will only be actioned when reported through Bugger