Thanks for the explanation. I've no issue with essentially full ANSI SQL, just didn't understand that was what we were talking about. Was the only version available when I learnt SQL in c. 19..., errr, well just after System R was developed!!!

(Was working on the other side of the interface then.) Guess it must make compatibility with Postgre etc easier.
I don't think I use aggregated values in PN anyway, everything is pure data relationally.
Yeah, I've stayed steadfastly away from v10 as I figured it'll be 12 months from initial release to production use at least. 12 months after "sometime" is way too distant for me to grapple with. 😉
I don't mind the time "NeverFly" 😉 is taking, but I am upset that it has essentially forced v9 to a standstill feature-wise (ForumsPlus being the only really big exception.)
And how will it ever get tested with so few ... ? Look what happened to 9.2.3: out there for a year so assumed trouble free, but only a few had actually managed to clean install, so it wasn't really used, and thus tested, until the 9.3 updates started to come out.
Think I'll move up to test/dev as soon as I get a chance.
Oh, and I meant what I said, choice of what goes into Storez is yours. I just needed an end-user Search which would let a user find 1 specific item out of dozens which were very similar (all same brand, similar labels, but different flavours, sizes, etc.) and order straight from the search results hence the template. Having developed it, seemed reasonable to submit. As it happens client has delayed so my version my never go live per se.
Thanks again.