As you can obviously see, the site theme has changed, and is still under development. My basic preference in themes is tableless and image free, so this is an interim step designed to showcase the flexibility of the DragonflyCMS theming and templating system.
For now, where possible, images are background and later, most tables will be replaced - background images and minimal tables are critical to fast page generation, thus capitalizing on the speed provided by the DragonflyCMS core.
Basically, there are 6 color scheme options and 3 width options, none of which use javascript for selection, so it's a different approach.
A unique feature is that the standard $bgcolor and $textcolor variables in the theme can also change with the color scheme selected, which is critical to having a genuine multi-theme approach.
The default color is slate, which has received the most work and is more presentable than the others, but is still a work in progress.
The remaining color options still need a lot more tuning of color combinations.
I've had a couple of theme changes since then, and recently returned to it and touched it up a little, but it still needs a lot of work, so not available as a download.
Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):
Joined: Nov 26, 2006
Posts: 21
Location: New South Wales, Australia