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[done] Another Suggested Feature - Cloaking

I know you're probably sick of us mentioning additional Forums features especially as we *still* haven't implemented ForumsPlus on our sites (yet!).

How about though the ability to 'cloak' posts from certain users, i.e you have a list of people whose posts you never want to read. I gather that this feature is implemented on a few other boards including those that use invision.

Initiated by Bugger (Original Entry) - Comments Here Please.

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That would be the "ignore user" feature - it comes with a (small) server load penalty - another db table and extra queries though I'm not immediately sure of the server impact.

In any event, it would have to be an admin option to activate/deactivate it.

We could cache the ignore list though I'm not sure that would be beneficial to a site with over 50k users - you may be better off taking the sql hit?

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

I can hear GoodCO's shudder at the thought of sql hits...... We'd certainly be keen to give it a go though - even if we need to buy a new server!!

I like 'cloaking' which sounds much cooler than 'ignore user'.....

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Laughing then cloaking it shall be - kinda Star Trekkie.

Anyway, GoodCO has a lot of catching up to do before this will bother him :p

I've just checked out ForumsPro ignore so I'll just shamelessly adapt it from there provided there aren't too many issues with it.

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Cloaking = Ignore?


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Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Well BadCO, all done, as can be seen here Smile

I even went one better than ForumsPro by providing both cloak and uncloak images and, as expected, the ForumsPro code was buggy.

Now I have the means to ignore all requests ROFLMAO

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

(Wonders if I'm cloaked .....)

Hey nice work. As always, I've got to take it one step further though- any chance it could cloak the users signature as well?

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I raise you one avatar and the rest of the cloakee's info - easy to apply in the template.

hmm, small change for cloakees - we can't have admins and moderators being cloaked by users, can we?

That change won't apply to admins - they can still cloak anyone, including themselves.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Ahh good stuff and certain to be *very* popular. Fingers crossed on the server load!

I have a sneaking suspicion that my oppo may be working on this but if not I might have a go myself over Xmas .....

Just one thought - how about a list somewhere in YA of your cloaked users?

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I suspect it will have SFA impact on server load, but it is selectable, therefore easy to switch off for very large sites like yours.

We could even allow cloaking on a groups basis so that it is a limited, and easily withheld, privilege - that would also mean you could offer it to a smaller group of users should load be an issue.

Ideally, I would like such privileges as cloaking and signatures to be treated the same as avatars etc i.e. the privilege can be withdrawn on a user basis. Alas, that requires either an extra users table or a change to the core users table, and neither is preferable atm.

Indeed, a useful addition to the new YA - there is also the link in the forumk header.

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