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Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:57 am
The primary intent is enhanced useability for new and existing users - currently in use on this site.
uses jQuery validation to enhance registration, all browsers plus IE6
now requires double email entry to minimize error
initial registration requires username and email
(checks against existing users using ajax plus PHP fallback)
then registration has a second step
(also with validation to minimize data loss if errors)
where js is disabled, DF error checking has been changed to minimize data loss
your account has a css tabbed menu, no js
(previous block removed)
tab for public view items - summary, profile, avatar.
tab for configuration - prefs, private, password, username/email, homepage, comments.
tab for user activity - summary, blogs, gallery, posts, topics, watchlists.
tab for user groups
tabbed menu extended to private messages
private messages language integrated with YA
(no longer reliant on forums lang)
password recovery modified to eliminate confusing code entry
(relies on re-activation link only)
provision for forgotten username, similar to lost password
admin option to allow viewing of user profiles on a groups basis
i.e. this can be visitors, registered, moderators, admins etc.
admin option to allow username change, requires email re-activation
user email change now requires email re-activation
all fully templated.
theme based styling with account.css covering validation and jQuery curve
uses jQuery curve to round container corners, all browsers
for enhanced useability, the verdana font is provided for security codes
core database tables untouched but reactivation table and couple of main config flags added
Available Here - note the installation notes!
Bugs and Features will only be actioned when reported through Bugger
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:17 am
line 168 after the <br /> tag = ';
Very Nice upgrade
3.39 KiB
96 Time(s)
You are not allowed to view/download this attachment
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:53 am
I get the following database error on my account/public page
CMS Warning line 75: On /index.php?name=Your_Account While executing query "SELECT p.filepath, p.filename, p.owner_id, p.aid, p.title, pid FROM pictures p INNER JOIN albums a ON (p.aid = a.aid AND visibility IN (0,2,2,10002)) WHERE approved=1 AND p.owner_id='2' GROUP BY pid ORDER BY pid DESC LIMIT 10" the following error occured: Table '' doesn't exist In: /home/missi19/public_html/modules/Your_Account/blocks/yourcpg.php on line: 23
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:59 pm
@Diz - thanks, fixed.
@Gamekeeper - the yourcpg.php block appears unable to pick up the $cpg_prefix variable in your instance. Looks like I'll have to adopt a different approach.
It works for me which is perplexing - do you have some other gallery block in YA?
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:12 pm
No other gallery blocks in YA, I get the same error on two websites, one of which is a fresh install
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:19 pm
hmm, bugger, I'll just have to drop it back to the standard $prefix_cpg_ while I work out why it doesn't work for you.
This should work for you
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE' )) { exit ; }
global $prefix , $db , $CONFIG , $cpg_dir , $cpg_prefix ;
$cpg_dir = 'coppermine' ;
if (!is_active($cpg_dir )) {
$content = 'ERROR' ;
return trigger_error($cpg_dir .' module is inactive' , E_USER_WARNING);
$cpg_block = true ;
require_once ('modules/' .$cpg_dir .'/include/' );
$cpg_block = false ;
$length = $CONFIG ['thumbcols' ];
$userid = getusrdata($username , 'user_id' );
$content = $thumb_title = '' ;
$result = $db ->sql_query("SELECT p.filepath, p.filename, p.owner_id, p.aid, p.title, pid
FROM {$prefix} _cpg_pictures p
INNER JOIN {$prefix} _cpg_albums a ON (p.aid = a.aid AND " .VIS_GROUPS.")
WHERE approved=1 AND p.owner_id='$userid[user_id]'
LIMIT 10" );
$num_pics = $db ->sql_numrows($result );
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<div><b>' .$username .'\'s Gallery' .($num_pics > 0 ? ' - last ' .$num_pics : '' ).':</b></div>' ;
$i = 0 ;
if ($num_pics > 0 ) {
echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">' ;
while ($row = $db ->sql_fetchrow($result )) {
if ($i == 0 ) {
echo '<tr>' ;
if ($CONFIG ['seo_alts' ] == 0 ) {
$thumb_title = $row ['filename' ];
} else {
if ($row ['title' ] != '' ) {
$thumb_title = $row ['title' ];
} else {
$thumb_title = substr($row ['filename' ], 0 , -4 );
echo '<td align="center" valign="baseline"><a href="' .getlink($cpg_dir .'&file=displayimage&album=' .$row ['aid' ].'&pid=' .$row ['pid' ]).'"><img src="' .get_pic_url($row , 'thumb' ).'" alt="' .$thumb_title .'" title="' .$thumb_title .'" /><br />' .truncate_stringblocks($thumb_title ).'</a></td>' ;
$i ++;
if ($i == $length || $i == $num_pics ) {
echo '</tr>' ;
$i = 0 ;
echo '</table>' ;
} else {
echo '<div><br />No pictures to display</div>' ;
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:39 pm
Thanks a lot for this nice release!
I posted a post at the "bugger", but I don't know if that's the right place.
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Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:55 pm
@Dylert - Bugger is the right place - thank you.
Your problem is now a separate forum topic.
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Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:24 am
I don't know if this is a bug in accountplus or your forum, but if you klick the "profile" link, you only get " There is no available info for <userid>"
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Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:30 am
That is correct - one of the added features is that admin can choose who sees user profiles.
On this site, I have restricted viewing of user profiles other than your own.
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Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:45 am
Substitute code works well, thanks.
I'm guessing this works on both cpg forums and Forums plus, will there be a port for Forums Pro 2.0.3 ?
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Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:56 am
I probably need to provide a check for forum watch since CPG-BB doesn't have it, so that will be an issue I need to fix shortly.
ForumsPro is a different matter - I can't make any promises in the immediate future, but will look at it.
The simplest solution for now would be to remove the forum links from the menu.html template, or edit the links within function member_menu() in functions.php.
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Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:12 am
I am now unable to change themes through configuration/preferences, when I select a new theme and save changes the page will refresh giving the operation complete! message but the theme does not change.
Error given:
* Warning line 75: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array
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Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:47 pm
Small omission in modules/Your_Account/edit_profile.php - fixed in the download and the attached file.
{attachment since removed - in main download}
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Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:50 pm
Download updated for a couple of other small bugs - user prefix issue in cpgquota block plus admin add a user.
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