If you're comfortable with editing a file, try this:
modules/CPGNuCalendar/includes/adodb-time.inc approx. line 649
Replace function adodb_get_gmt_diff()
static $TZ;
if (isset($TZ)) return $TZ;
$TZ = mktime(0,0,0,1,2,1970,0) - gmmktime(0,0,0,1,2,1970,0);
return $TZ;
}withfunction adodb_get_gmt_diff()
global $userinfo;
$TZ = -3600*$userinfo['user_timezone'];
return $TZ;
This is the only difference I can find between v2.0.7 and what is on my server.
Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):
I'm having these 2 exact issues, plus the previous and next months on the left and right are out of whack. If I have February showing, the left shows December and the right shows February.
I tried the code change you listed, but it did not change anything.
I will log a bug through the link you provided, but I just wanted to let you know.
Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢
Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Posts: 1543
Location: Netosphere
Well, we already have the topic, so I've removed the Buggers - thanks anyway.
I've found a 1 hour error in the difference between "local" and "your" times as displayed on the main page, but that's it. Also fixed a small bug in the week link of the monthly view.
I've even done a fresh install on another site and I am still unable to reproduce any of the issues reported.
I can only speculate that you may have some sort of server time issue, which shouldn't matter since CPGNuCalendar now uses the forum board time as its reference
All I can suggest is reverting to v2.0.6 because I cannot fault v2.0.7 - the small changes I have made do not have an impact on your reported issues.
A seperate issue I have found is when public holidays are de-activated and re-activated and I'm working on that.