Thanks Pheonix
i tried the link you left above but it goes no where
so iwent direct to the read me link in my store settings
there i see a listing for paypal settings and all others
ok in the text it says something about WEBSITE PAYMENT PREFERANCES
but i dont see where toe adjust these?
Storez settings in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Auto Return' to 'On', repeat 'On', in "Website Payment Preferences".
• Set/Leave 'Payment Data Transfer' to 'Off' in "Website Payment Preferences".
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Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Posts: 1543
Location: Netosphere
ok then.
I called the paypal account owner, logged into his account, made the corrections to his settings.
hen went out from his paypal,
went into the store (in Dragonfly )
made a second purchase
completed the process
recieved the emails of RECIEPT and transaction of a buyer,
now...... do i have to wait for paypal to comfirm the transaction before i see a download lnk?
can you tell me where during the process do i see a link to download the itme(s)
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Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Posts: 1543
Location: Netosphere
Your last post isn't about the downloads issue so I've removed it - should stick to the other topic.
Okay, now you have your PayPal settings correct.
Initially I couldn't duplicate your PayPal issue, so I checked the Storez download and see that the ipnstorez.php file there is incorrect - it has an incomplete development file there which won't work. Strange that no-one has reported it.
Anyway, use the file in the attached zip and replace the one you have in your DFroot directory - it should now trigger the instant download links. Normally PayPal will return with that link immediately unless they have issues, and then maybe a few seconds later at worst.
1.92 KiB
17 Time(s)
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