ok Phoenix
here we go
im going to have to use this via uploading files from
but im alittle confused as to what exactly i need to do to make that owrk.
Here is what i THINK you are saying
1) Goto the process inside of STOREZ to add a 2MB file using the UPLOAD features built into it, and create the ITEM to be sold
2) Then goto that actual FTP location using an FTP tool and upload the FULL SIZED file directly, which would over write the SMALLER 2MB file from the previous step
3) when uploading the file via FTP tool
the filename needsto be "X_dj_rhenalt-translution.mp3"
"X" in this case should be renamed to my useID??
where do i get the useID from?
are you talking about the userID stored in the DF database?
If so, then the file inside of FTP should be renamed
am i thinking of it correctly?