Rayvenhaus wrote
Speaking of the Emporium is this the one from burnwave.com or one that you've written yourself? Either way, if you're going to pick back up on the development of it, then I'll close down the Storefront project and move on to something else. Don't need to be duplicating efforts here.
Yes, I had it started and Kyle expressed an interest in it, so I just did bits and pieces since he was running with it, plus I had my own Resources module that I could tailor to meet most needs.
It's been a rather large bare shelf in the DragonflyCMS module cupboard for a long time now, so I thought it was time to finish what I started. The functionality of the module is really very good but the "trivial" issues are real site killers.
Query wise, it's not quite as bad as NukeC classifieds was when I started (reduced from 440 queries down to 5, and I can take that down to 3) but it's caused by the same coding approach.
There are two great shopping programs out there, Zen and Cube, but integrating them is just too messy (for now), so people are left with linking to standalones.
I was playing with MS Topsites (Pro v2.3) but I put that on the back-burner when you ported topsites.