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Category | Dragonfly v9 > Various > BrokenCrust |
Submitted by | Phoenix |
Author's Name | BrokenCrust |
Homepage | |
Version | 2.1 |
Compatibility | 9.2.x |
Published | Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:38 pm |
BD is a Yellow Pages like module, specifically written from scratch for Dragonfly.
Business Directory (BD) allows the admin and users to add business details (name, address, website, description etc) for anything relevant to their site. These businesses can be categorised in any number of categories.
BD offers a range of administration options for layout and access, including
- Choose between 1 and 5 column layout.
- Choose Category image size or have no image.
- Optional category descriptions.
- High-lighting Articles.
- Optional alphabetical access.
- Choose between 2 different blocks - an expanding java menu or plain html category block.
- Customisable recommended flag and text.
- Unlimited sub-categories.
- Ability to promote articles within categories, parent categories or on the front page.
- Full search system integrated into DF.
- Print layout for entries.
- Threaded entry comments.
- Entry rating via a dynamic graphical bar.
- Optional Member submission of new entries.
- Kudos integration to reward submission,rating and comments.
- Random, New, Top Rated, New Comment lists included.
- Can easily deactivate any category or article.
- Fully cached directory and blocks.
- Support for Via Michelin mapping from the address details.
- Ability to enter online only entries.
- Admin can override a category image with a unique entry image (e.g. the logo).
- Admin moderation of submissions.
- Submissions show in the admin submission block.
- Admin can select address format (French, UK or US style).
- New entries are highlighted with 1, 3 and 7 day icons.
- Optional Latest Entry Promotion.
- Full Category List.
- Search Engine friendly pages.
- Integrated with Tags module (coming soon).
See It Working
at Pont Noir
Technical Information
- Fully templated for easy layout changes and page load speed.
- XHTML, php5.2 and MySQL 5.0 (strict mode) compliant.
- Full CSS integration.
- Fully multi-lingual (translations required).
Install Instructions
Copy the files to the same location.
Install the module: modules -> BD -> install
Active the module (all users)
Install a block: blocks -> new -> file -> BD or BDC
Add some categories and some entries and enjoy.
Business Directory (BD) allows the admin and users to add business details (name, address, website, description etc) for anything relevant to their site. These businesses can be categorised in any number of categories.
BD offers a range of administration options for layout and access, including
- Choose between 1 and 5 column layout.
- Choose Category image size or have no image.
- Optional category descriptions.
- High-lighting Articles.
- Optional alphabetical access.
- Choose between 2 different blocks - an expanding java menu or plain html category block.
- Customisable recommended flag and text.
- Unlimited sub-categories.
- Ability to promote articles within categories, parent categories or on the front page.
- Full search system integrated into DF.
- Print layout for entries.
- Threaded entry comments.
- Entry rating via a dynamic graphical bar.
- Optional Member submission of new entries.
- Kudos integration to reward submission,rating and comments.
- Random, New, Top Rated, New Comment lists included.
- Can easily deactivate any category or article.
- Fully cached directory and blocks.
- Support for Via Michelin mapping from the address details.
- Ability to enter online only entries.
- Admin can override a category image with a unique entry image (e.g. the logo).
- Admin moderation of submissions.
- Submissions show in the admin submission block.
- Admin can select address format (French, UK or US style).
- New entries are highlighted with 1, 3 and 7 day icons.
- Optional Latest Entry Promotion.
- Full Category List.
- Search Engine friendly pages.
- Integrated with Tags module (coming soon).
See It Working
at Pont Noir
Technical Information
- Fully templated for easy layout changes and page load speed.
- XHTML, php5.2 and MySQL 5.0 (strict mode) compliant.
- Full CSS integration.
- Fully multi-lingual (translations required).
Install Instructions
Copy the files to the same location.
Install the module: modules -> BD -> install
Active the module (all users)
Install a block: blocks -> new -> file -> BD or BDC
Add some categories and some entries and enjoy.