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Category | Dragonfly v9 > Add-Ons |
Submitted by | Phoenix |
Author's Name | Phoenix |
Homepage | |
Version | 3.4.4 |
Compatibility | 9.1.x |
Published | Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:04 pm |
Musox was the original author but no longer provides the download or support.
v3.4.4 is the latest official version I could find.
v3.4.5 is also provided - its only difference is that it has been modified to cater for WeblinksPro instead of Web Links, and ForumsPro instead of CPG-BB Forums.
They both have a number of issues, which you have to accept for now.
v3.4.4 is the latest official version I could find.
v3.4.5 is also provided - its only difference is that it has been modified to cater for WeblinksPro instead of Web Links, and ForumsPro instead of CPG-BB Forums.
They both have a number of issues, which you have to accept for now.
Editor's Note:
To be re-released as "Newsletters" in the near future.
- removal of bugs
- option to use Web Links or WeblinksPro
- option to use Forums or ForumsPro