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Members Delete

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Category Dragonfly v9 > Various > BrokenCrust
Submitted by Phoenix
Author's Name BrokenCrust
Version 1.5
Compatibility 9.2.x
Published Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:57 pm

This small admin module adds the ability to delete a user’s personal information and mark them as deleted but without losing any of their content. Complies with EU directive 95/46/CE.

The Members Delete module does the following:-

- It Deletes all personal member details.
- It Deletes the member signature.
- It renames the user account to 'Deleted_User_' plus the user ID (e.g. Deleted_User_342)
- It deletes all PM's to and from this member.
- It deletes the members uploaded avatar if it exists.
- Deleted members do not count towards the user totals.
- Lists active / inactive / suspended / deleted members
- Lists inactive members for five (5) different periods.
- Short-cut functions for email and profile on the inactive list.
- Dashboard showing charts for membership fade / status / growth as well as quick links for new members
- file to support local site member delete steps without code hacking.
- Option to allow members to delete themselves.

- Only suspended users can be deleted.
- Administrators can not use the self deletion process.
- NO PUBLIC CONTENT IS DELETED (news, postings, albums etc). Since all this is in the public domain, anything that the user posted here is not private and therefore not covered by the directive. Those of you not lucky enough to be living in our glorious Union, might need to do more (or less) than this to comply with your local laws.

Included Languages
German translated by club-house, thank you.

Technical Information
- Fully templated for easy layout changes and page load speed.
- XHTML, MySQL 5.0 (strict mode) and php5.2 compliant.
- Full CSS integration.
- Fully multi-lingual (translations required).
- Charts created with Open Flash Chart 2 and work with most browsers.

You install this module in the normal way. (Copy Files then go to admin -> modules and click on Install). After this, if you want to offer the self deletion process you should edit the module and set it to Registered Users and add it to the menu as "Delete My Account" or something similar. If you do not want members to be able to delete themselves then set it to Admin Only and Not Shown.