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[fixed] Uninstall error Reply to topic

9.3.0 upgrade install worked over 9.2.5 Uninstall give me this;

CMS Warning line 75: On /rfe/admin.php?op=modules&uninstall=Storez While executing query "DROP TABLE cms_cart_payments_options_2checkout" the following error occured: Unknown table 'cms_cart_payments_options_2checkout' In: /homepages/12/d91017768/htdocs/LocalQuality_com/rfe/includes/classes/installer.php on line: 69

Also getting LOTS of SQL ERROR Emails

On /index.php?name=Storez&file=product&prodID=1610
While executing query "DELETE FROM cms_cart_guests
WHERE sessionID=''"

the following error occured: Table 'db235961342.cms_cart_guests' doesn't exist

In: /homepages/19/d91620644/htdocs/CMS_Website/modules/Storez/includes/functions.php on line: 708

Guest information:
User id: 1
Username: Anonymous
Admin: No
Host: crawl-66-249-71-214.googlebot.com

While executing query "INSERT INTO cms_cart_guests
(sessionID, expires, myCurr)
('2a295301384cf3fb783e0a9fba959670', '1225924902', '0')"

the following error occured: Table 'db235961342.cms_cart_guests' doesn't exist

In: /homepages/19/d91620644/htdocs/CMS_Website/modules/Storez/includes/functions.php on line: 94

Guest information:
User id: 1
Username: Anonymous
Admin: No
Host: ppp-69-151-179-129.dsl.bumttx.swbell.net

Initiated by Bugger (Original Entry) - Comments Here Please.

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

The issues are totally separate - I'll only address a single issue in a single bug/topic.
I had totally forgotten about those old tables for uninstall Embarassed

Replace line 31 of cpg_inst.php with this: (ignore the <?php)<?php $this->dbtables = array('cart_brands', 'cart_cartitems', 'cart_config', 'cart_countries', 'cart_currencies', 'cart_downloads', 'cart_guests', 'cart_media', 'cart_options', 'cart_options_selections', 'cart_orders', 'cart_orders_cartitems', 'cart_orders_cartitems_options', 'cart_orders_status', 'cart_payments', 'cart_payments_options_directdeposit', 'cart_payments_options_paypal', 'cart_preorders', 'cart_preorders_cartitems', 'cart_preorders_cartitems_options', 'cart_products', 'cart_products_availability', 'cart_products_media', 'cart_products_options', 'cart_products_reviews', 'cart_shipping', 'cart_shipping_ets', 'cart_shipping_options_flatrate', 'cart_shipping_options_peritem', 'cart_shipping_options_producttotal', 'cart_shipping_options_productweight', 'cart_shipping_options_ups', 'cart_states', 'cart_stores', 'cart_subscribers', 'cart_taxes_classes', 'cart_taxes_classes_locations', 'cart_users');I suggest removing the cms_cart_* tables manually through phpmyadmin since some tables have already been removed and will generate further errors.

Server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS):

Thats cool
Sorry the Emails were from a live site not shure what happened to it. Embarassed
I reinstalled a backup.

Please enter your server specs in your user profile! 😢

All times are Australia/Adelaide

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